The T’impuy Congress, organized by the prestigious Basque Culinary Center International Council, is a top-level event that brings together some of the most renowned chefs in the world. This gathering, which will take place from June 16 to 19 in Lima, aims to celebrate, delve into, and discuss the scope of gastronomy. The session on June 19 at the NOS theater of the PUCP University will feature a series of talks and panels open to the public, highlighting the transformative role of gastronomy.
The event will begin with a welcome from personalities such as Carlos Garatea, Silvana Vargas, Pía León, and Joxe Mari Aizega. Important discussions and presentations will follow, including the announcement of the Basque Culinary World Prize winner and a roundtable on the importance of gastronomic training.
In the Mar adentro panel, three experts will share their knowledge on sustainable practices in the exploitation of marine resources. We are proud to announce that one of the panelists will be Karin Abensur, a fisheries engineer and artisanal fisherwoman from the district, who has been a beneficiary of several innovation funds from the Peruvian government. Founder of Karin Ecofish EIRL, a company dedicated to the sale of seafood products delivered to your home, has stood out for its innovation in the reintroduction of forgotten species and the protection of overexploited species. Her commitment to food security and the training of fish fillet workers to improve product quality has made her a role model for many girls and women in Peru.
In the panel, Karin will address topics on how to sustainably utilize marine resources, promote biodiversity, and use best practices. Her participation is an inspiration and recognition of her hard work and dedication. Let's support Karin at this important event and learn together how to care for and make the most of our sea. Don’t miss it!