Tiki Cocktails, Appetizers, and Board Games

Formato Negocios - WEB

Curayacu Tiki Bar is the first Tiki bar in Peru, working with a cocktail style that aims to provide a tropical vacation experience to its visitors with a decor that combines nautical, tropical and Polynesian elements combined with rum-based cocktails, tropical fruits and spices. The concept was born in the 1930s in Hollywood, United States, and recreates a tropical paradise in the middle of the city.

The history and talent behind the incredible tiki mugs at Curayacu Tiki Bar, led by the talented artisan Victor Sullon from Chulucanas, allows you to discover how his passion for ceramics fuses with Tiki culture, creating unique and wonderful pieces with motifs related to the name of each cocktail.   

Curayacu Tiki-bar is the perfect place to enjoy a tropical and creative experience in every sip.


Isla Ballesta 602, Punta Hermosa 15846


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