Clean seafood products, ready to prepare.

Karin Ecofish
Instagram Karin Ecofish

Karin Ecofish is an innovative initiative that offers clean seafood products, delivered directly to your home. Founded by Karin Abensur Montes de Oca, the first artisanal fisher recognized by the Ministry of Production as Fisherwoman of the Year in 2018, this company has become a benchmark in the Punta Hermosa community.

Her love for fishing dates back to her youth, when she discovered her vocation while enjoying surfing at the age of 14. Since then, she has cultivated a special connection with the ocean, offering her daily catches at Playa Blanca or Señoritas in the morning, adapting to the ever-changing nature of the sea.

Karin Ecofish represents not only excellence in seafood products but also a commitment to sustainability and female empowerment. With her authentic approach and dedication to preserving marine resources, Karin is a role model in the local community and an inspiring voice in the journey towards a more conscious future with our oceans.

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