Planting Olive Trees for Peace


In Punta Hermosa's Pico Alto Park, olive trees were planted in a symbolic act representing peace and global unity. Thanks to the generous donation from Terra Olivo, our local market dedicated to the production and commercialization of olive-based products, as well as healthy products, this event gathered authorities such as Mayor Guillermo Fernández Otero, Israel's Ambassador Eran Yuvan, Germany's Ambassador Sabine Bloch, and Mrs. Patricia Flowers, Director of the Holocaust and Humanities Educational Center, along with neighbors committed to a greener future.

The olive tree, an eternal symbol of peace and hope, has transcended borders throughout history. Since ancient times, its branch has been an emblem of reconciliation, and today in Punta Hermosa, we continue planting the seeds of a more united tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone involved for being part of this mission for a better world!



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