Hawaiian Board Services


Flyzchman Shaper, located in Punta Hermosa, is the workshop of Carlos Manuel Suárez, specializing in the repair, painting touch-ups, design, and manufacturing of Hawaiian boards. Carlos Manuel arrived in Punta Hermosa in 2004 in search of surfing waves and decided to stay after finding work repairing boards at a friend's hostel. Impressed by the hospitality and job opportunities, he decided to settle in Punta Hermosa.

Manuel, with a background in graphic design and studies in drawing and painting, started painting boards in the 90s, inspired by his passion for art and surfing after meeting Ricardo Kaufman Torres. He collaborated with various workshops and brands until he finally found his place at Klimax. In addition to his talent as a painter, Manuel also taught himself how to manufacture boards. By observing and studying, he acquired the necessary knowledge to shape the boards. With the help of Oscar Morante, he obtained the measurements of one of his boards and began working on his own manufacturing process. In addition to his work as a shaper, he enjoyed testing his creations in the local waves.

Today, Manuel, in addition to working for Klimax and Lost, is recognized in Punta Hermosa for his ability to repair and create Hawaiian boards. He has gained the trust of the local community and is proud to call Punta Hermosa his home for the past 20 years. We invite you to discover for yourself the quality and performance of Flyzchman's Hawaiian boards. Whether you're looking to repair your existing board, give it a personalized touch, or find a new custom-made board, Manuel is ready to provide you with exceptional service.


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