Photographic exhibition of local artists

La Nave - Identidad de Punta HermosaSERVICIO (1)

In the heart of Punta Hermosa beats a unique identity, shaped by the harmonious bond between its people and the sea. This district, born among fishermen's nets and evolved at the forefront of surfing, is a space where the community lives in harmony with nature. Here, the waves bear witness to a profound relationship, where respect and admiration for the ocean are fundamental pillars. Residents find peace, living in solidarity and complicity with the sea.

In this context La Nave has brought together 7 local photographers to express the identity of Punta Hermosa through their art.

Join this celebration of life in community, where the sea breeze and welcoming spirit invite you to discover the magic of Punta Hermosa.

Discover the essence of this place through the eyes of our local photographers!


Ballestas 715, Punta Hermosa


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